Frequently Asked Questions

Midwifery in Washington Stare is hosted by All About Birth, LLC an umbrella practice owned and operated by Susan Lawler, LM, CPM.

At All About Birth, we operate on an individual, primary midwife model of care. This means that when you engage our services, the midwife you choose is the primary caregiver throughout your pregnancy journey. Of course, there could be life events that may come up for your primary midwife. However, as an umbrella practice, there is always a backup midwife to support you.

A licensed Midwife is a trained and certified professional specializing in assisting women during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care outside of the hospital.

Licensed Midwives have access to medications for specific purposes, including the control of hemorrhage, perineal repair, shock, seizure management, and the provision of oxygen for resuscitation.

However, it's important to note that licensed Midwives do not have access to pain medications commonly used in labor, such as narcotics and epidural anesthesia. Instead, they offer a range of natural and supportive techniques to manage discomfort and assist women in labor to have a fulfilling birthing experience.