Trust your instincts.

Expert Holistic Tacoma Midwife Care

with Susan Lawler, Licensed Midwife / Certified Professional Midwife

Susan lawler tacoma midwife

Pregnancy and birth are not just physical processes; they are deeply emotional and spiritual experiences. Every feeling, every thought, and every concern you have is valid and important.

As an expert midwife, I am here to be your guide, your confidante, and your advocate throughout this extraordinary time in your life. I encourage you to lean into all your feelings, to explore your fears and hopes, and celebrate your joys and triumphs.

Together, we will navigate this journey with compassion and understanding.

I offer a unique blend of holistic and personalized care, acknowledging the profound connection between your mind, body, soul, and spirit during your pregnancy journey.

Holistic prenatal and birth care means seeing you as a whole person and not just a patient, encompassing your physical health, emotional well-being, and spiritual essence with your own unique needs, desires, and beliefs. I understand the intricate balance between these elements and how they influence your overall health and the health of your baby.

Holistic Midwifery Care serving Pierce County

Nurturing Your Whole Self Through Your Unique Pregnancy Journey

Feel confident in your choices and abilities

Empowered midwifery care is about giving you the knowledge, confidence, and autonomy to make informed decisions about your pregnancy and childbirth.

I provide you with comprehensive evidence-based information, discuss your options, and answer your questions - empowering you to actively participate in your care and to make choices that resonate with your beliefs and desires. Through this partnership, you gain the confidence to voice your preferences, knowing that your choices are respected and supported.

Care is centered around creating a sacred space where you can explore your innermost thoughts and feelings, allowing your intuition and spirit to guide you. We believe in your innate ability to navigate this journey and to self-create a transformative and empowering birthing experience that you will cherish forever.

Trust your instincts in pregnancy & birth

We seek to nurture each woman’s sense of personal strength and self-confidence throughout their childbearing year. I strive to provide a supportive and safe environment for each of my clients to make decisions about their pregnancy and birth; allowing the freedom of choice based on the knowledge of alternatives.

I believe strongly that a woman’s body has an innate ability to give birth safely and naturally and our goal is to provide the support, guidance and expertise for you to have the natural birth experience you want. An excellent resource for a deeper understanding of how important undisturbed birth can be, read Dr. Sarah Buckley.

Being born is important. Understand the science.

Scientific research indicates that what a mother experiences during her pregnancy directly affects how her unborn baby perceives the world. This research shows how important it is to nurture and grow the unborn in a peaceful, minimally stressed womb. Educating both mothers and her family about this science is a key element in our care.

Visit the Pre-and Perinatal Psychology website to learn more.

baby being born at Birth Inn Birth Center Tacoma
baby being born at Birth Inn Birth Center Tacoma. Mother squatting.
newborn exam with a midwife in tacoma wa
Empowered Tacoma Midwifery Care
Prenatal Care
pregnant woman belly
A healthy foundation for you & baby.

Midwifery Prenatal Care

Your care and comfort are my priority. These visits are designed to create a warm, supportive environment while ensuring I cover everything you need. During your prenatal care sessions, you’ll have my undivided attention for a cozy 30 minutes to an hour. This time is all about you—your questions, your plans, your concerns.

While I’m wintering October through April you will have the option to see Kate in person or a combination of in- person with Kate and virtual visits with Me. A pre-natal care kit (doppler, tape measure, and blood pressure wrist cuff) is available to those clients who would like this option.

Your care and comfort are our priority. These visits are designed to create a warm, supportive environment while ensuring we cover everything you need. A pre-natal care kit (doppler, tape measure, and blood pressure wrist cuff) is available to those patients under Susan's care during the months of October through April.

Our labor and delivery journey unfolds with your support team, myself and assistant. Together acting as your supportive guides, my desire is to help implement your birth plan and honor your decisions every step of the way.

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Initial Visit: Let's get to know each other!

Monthly Visits: Every 4 to 6 weeks until you reach 32 weeks

Final Trimester: Every 2 weeks until you're at 38 weeks. Weekly visits from 38 weeks until your delivery

What to expect in your prenatal visits:

  • Weight check (totally optional, no pressure!)
  • Blood pressure check
  • Listening to your baby’s heartbeat and checking position.
  • Monitoring baby's growth with uterine measurements
  • Optional, non-diagnostic ultrasound for tracking the heartbeat and baby’s position
  • If necessary, a non-stress test.
  • A mix of counseling and education, tailored to your needs

Additional prenatal testing:

  • Initial blood work-up (prenatal panel)
  • Optional, non-diagnostic ultrasound
  • Optional Genetic screening with Unity
  • Gestational diabetes screening (non traditional alternatives are offered)
  • Screening and treatment options for Group B Strep

Prenatal education topics covered:

  • Education
  • Teamwork between us
  • How to prevent complications
  • Nutritional guidance
  • Crafting your birth preference plan
  • Aligning with your personal and family beliefs, and
  • A mix of counseling and education, tailored to your needs
  • Caring for your newborn.
Labor & Birth Care
newborn baby on mothers chest after birth
Your birth - your midwife.

Labor and Birth Midwifery Care

Your labor and delivery journey unfolds under the care of our skilled midwife and her team. Acting as your supportive guides, we're here to help implement your birth plan and honor your decisions every step of the way.

Feel free to invite family, friends, Doulas and any other trusted support people to join you during this special time.

And remember, you're in charge—move around, snack, sip, and labor in whatever way feels most comfortable to you.

During labor, we are your ultimate ally. With a comforting presence, we offer encouragement, position suggestions, and relaxation techniques to help you navigate this incredible journey.

With over 25 years of expertise, we specialize in identifying early signs of potential medical issues and can aid in baby positioning, particularly if they're in a posterior position, reducing the need for unnecessary interventions. This allows you to progress through labor at your pace, respecting your body's natural rhythm.

When it's time for delivery, you have a range of options and positions to choose from: birth tub, shower, bed, birth stool, floor, standing, squatting, kneeling, or hands & knees. The focus is on making you feel empowered and comfortable throughout this pivotal moment. Your comfort and choices matter most.

Postpartum & Newborn Care
newborn gaze
Welcoming you and your newborn!

Postpartum & Newborn Care with your Midwife

The journey of postpartum care for both you and your baby begins right after birth.

My license as a midwife allows me to care for your baby for up to 14 days, starting with the first newborn visit on day 2. During these early days, I perform essential tests for your newborn, including metabolic, hearing, CCHD screening, weight checks, and evaluations for lip and tongue ties. I believe in providing comprehensive care right from the start.

I strongly recommend taking the time to connect with and choose a pediatrician that you align with before your baby arrives. Having another healthcare professional involved early on ensures your baby receives the best care and attention right from the beginning—I believe in the power of an extra set of eyes looking out for your little one.

My Postpartum Care includes:

  • Thorough newborn examinations and guidance on newborn care
  • Immediate support for breastfeeding to help you and your baby get off to a great start
  • Compassionate care and attention for you, the mother
  • We also offer optional in-office visits for continued lactation support and additional mother care beyond the initial 14 days
  • A six-week postpartum check and an optional pap smear for your convenience and well-being

I am here to ensure both you and your baby receive the best care and support during this incredible journey into parenthood.

Holistic Tacoma Midwife Care with All About Birth

At All About Birth Midwifery, Susan Lawler, LM, CPM, CLE and Kate Wild, LM, CPN, MSM, are here to support you on your journey to parenthood. We're both fully trained midwives, passionate about providing personalized care throughout your pregnancy, labor & delivery, and postpartum period. We're excited to be part of your story and provide the warm, personalized care you rightly deserve.

All About Birth Midwifery oversees your labor & delivery exclusively at The Birthing Inn in Tacoma, Washington. Our inviting office is conveniently located in the same building, in Suite 274.

Susan Lawler midwife outside in a field with a grandchild

Midwifery Care with Susan Lawler, LM, CPM, CLE

As your primary midwife, Susan tailors your care plan to your unique needs and due date timeline. Susan is delighted to welcome full-time, in-person patient visits and delivery dates between May and September. From October to April, she offers virtual prenatal care, with in-person assistance by Kate.

For those with due dates between May and September, Susan's personalized approach unfolds as a dynamic blend of in-person and virtual prenatal visits. These intimate sessions with Susan cover a spectrum of specific details, ranging from discussions on nutrition to exploring birthing preferences. Outside the May through September months, an at-home pre-natal care kit is available to use during virtual visits with Susan and any as-needed physical checkups for both mom and baby take place during in-person visits with Kate.

Susan and Kate collaborate harmoniously to ensure a smooth and deeply personalized prenatal care experience. Susan will personally meet with you for the final prenatal visit(s) and will provide dedicated support during your birth. Throughout your prenatal experience and regardless of her location, Susan is just a direct message away, ready to provide support and address any questions you may have.

Kate Wild Licensed Midwife in blue tank top standing by a lake

Midwifery Care with Kate Wild, LM, CPM, MSM

Kate is excited to welcome due dates throughout the year. As your primary midwife your care plan with Kate follows a more traditional structure encompassing prenatal, labor & delivery, and postnatal care.

You'll schedule in-person visits with Kate, and she'll be your dedicated midwife throughout your entire pregnancy journey.

Next Steps to Begin Your Journey with Susan Lawler & All About Birth:

  • 1

    Meet & Greet

    Reach out to Susan and/or Kate via email to schedule an over-the-phone or in-person Meet & Greet.

    During this call or in-person visit, we'll discuss our philosophy of care and your goals for your pregnancy journey, labor & delivery, and postpartum period.

    If desired, check your insurance benefits through our Investment Page.

    Together, we'll determine if All About Birth Midwifery is the right fit for you and your unique needs.

  • 2

    Patient Portal Set Up & Sign Agreement

    Once you've decided to move forward with All About Birth Midwifery, you'll receive an invitation to our patient portal where you can:

    > Review and sign the Consent to Care Agreement, ensuring clarity on our mutual expectations.
    > Review and sign the Financial Agreement, which includes the overall cost of care.

  • 3

    Pay Booking Fee

    To secure All About Birth Midwifery, a $600 booking fee is required.

    This fee secures your place in our care and marks the beginning of your personalized journey with All About Birth.

We're here to make this process as smooth as possible. If you have any questions along the way, feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to being part of your pregnancy journey!

Looking for a doula to support your birth? We recommend Called to Birth.

WA Birth Doulas

Dr Stu is a fierce supporter of true informed consent- take some time to listen to his podcasts.